
Summer is a great time to travel, relax, and enjoy time with friends and family. Don’t let car troubles or heavy traffic get in the way of your plans. Continue reading to learn more.

Tips for Summer Travel

Get Your Car Inspected

According to AAA, one of the most common reasons for calling roadside assistance during the summer is a blown tire. This is because the heat outside of the car causes the heat inside the tires to expand. If the tires are worn or damaged, this extra pressure may cause the tire to rupture, therefore putting a damper on your travel plans.

Other common car troubles this time of year include overheated engines, dead batteries, or a malfunctioning component of your air conditioning system. Before you find yourself in an uncomfortable predicament, schedule a quick inspection to ensure your car is ready for the coming heat wave.

Plan for Delays

More travelers on the road than usual combined with a higher prevalence of road construction can create multiple delays as you attempt to meet summer deadlines or appointments.

To avoid feeling late and stressed, plan accordingly. Leave plenty of room in your schedule to arrive on time by leaving earlier than necessary. Keep a few extra snacks and waters in the car in the event that you do find yourself stuck in traffic. This will help keep hungry or impatient passengers comfortable as you wait for traffic to clear.

Beware of Other Travelers

Warmer weather welcomes more cyclists and runners to the roads which means you’ll need to pay extra close attention to your surroundings. In the event that a runner should trip and fall or a cyclist turns into your lane abruptly, you’ll want to be prepared to take evasive maneuvers to avoid collision.

In addition to more pedestrians, drivers will be out in greater numbers. This includes students who are out on summer break and learning how to drive. Do your best to keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel so you won’t be caught off guard by the drivers around you.

Schedule a Quick Tune Up in Raleigh, NC

Head off on your next road trip with confidence knowing your car has been looked over by the professionals at Matthews Motors Clayton. Our service center will ensure your car is ready for the summer heat wave ahead. If you’re looking to upgrade your ride, then we have a variety of used cars for sale as well. Give us a call or drop by our dealership to learn more.